Thursday, January 14, 2010

Charlotte Gainsbourg - IRM (2009)

I never knew that Charlotte possessed such an amazing voice. I had seen in various different movies and have admired her in them. There's something about a French woman that intrigues me. She decided to collaborate with the always surprising Beck, both were in top form and ended up winning in the first round. I'd like to thank my friend, Wolfman Hooligan for introducing me to her.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

St. Vincent - Actor (2009)

What words must I use to describe St. Vincent? Well beautiful is one that comes to mind. Her music isn't too bad either. Joking. Her second album is an amazing improvement from her first. The lyrics, the composition and the whole approach is breathtaking. The girl has great taste in movie too. I mean Woody Allen, a genius in his own rite. St. Vincent is definitely someone that will surprise you.

Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca (2009)

This has to be my current favorite record. Not only does Dirty Projectors stay true to their experimental tendencies, they also showcase how masterfully they can create pop music. They walk back and forth between the line in the sand, making us cringe and awe at their gorgeous and expressive music. I'm glad that the ladies in the group were giving more of a main character appearance, it definitely made the group solid. It's hard to formulate some sort of description for this album, so just listen to it.

Blakroc - Blakroc (2009)

Ever wondered what would happen if the Black Keys and a few hip-hop heavyweights collaborated? Well you're probably clairvoyant. It happened and I'm glad it did. Don't expect this to sound like Linkin Park and Jay-Z. Let's cross our fingers for more live performances and another album.

Mos Def - The Ecstatic (2009)

Mos Def has given us the result. The crafty lyrics of Black Star, the experimental beats of Black on Both Sides and the courage to put it all together. That's what made the Ecstatic. An inspiring look at hip-hop that highlights love, politics, society, music, and the culture of other worlds. Mos Def said in an interview that if you want to know what he's all about then listen to Casa Bey. I dare you to do it.

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (2009)

Enormously beautiful and well-crafted. The quartet showcases their wide range in music genres. From the tropical "Southern Point" to the mesmerizing "Foreground", Grizzly Bear shows everyone that they can create both melancholic and energetic songs.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Real Estate - Real Estate (2009)

Added to the list of great musicians to come out of New Jersey is Real Estate. It's a shame their album came out in the winter. We all could have used this shining ray of summer hope to awaken us from our cavernous cold slumber. Wishes will be wishes and dreams will be dreams. A definitively stellar album for 2009, be on the lookout for this band in your town. Well that is if you live in Europe. I hope they decide to pay a visit to good old Georgia.

Wild Beasts - Two Dancers (2009)

This band is already gaining attention for their unique and haunting sound. They've been on every music sites top whatever list and now I'm here to talk about their second album release: Two Dancers (2009). This album is probably one of my favorites right now. It consists of 10 songs, each in it's own way possesses a lucid atmosphere and very surprising countertenor vocals from it's lead singer, Hayden Thorpe. There's so much I would like to say but out of respect for the band and for my lack of diction, I will just let you take a listen. I'm sure most of you who look at this blog are already fans.